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Crow’s Nest Theatre present their children’s show Alma. Created for children five years and above, Alma is an energetic and interactive show helping children understand loss and bereavement. 


Alma is looking for Grandpa. He has gone away without saying goodbye and everyone is using words Alma doesn’t understand. So, with a hop, skip and a song, Alma sets off on world-wide adventure to find him, remembering all her fun journeys with Grandpa and making new friends along the way! Though music, puppetry and song, Alma’s story is a touching celebration of life, whilst offering a heart-warming exploration of grief. 


Support and guidance from professionals and hospices has created a sensitive and informed piece of theatre that is accessible to young minds providing a starting point for further conversations.






Crow’s Nest Theatre Company was formed by two artists who believe difficult subjects are important to talk about. Through vibrant storytelling, original music and puppetry, Crow’s Nest shed light on the darker corners of our world. 



Crows Nest

Theatre Presents:

"Excellent depiction of the effects of grief on children. I feel that this has a very relevant moment in a child's life" 

Audience member 

Crows Nest
Crows Nest
Crows Nest
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